+44 (0)1202553876


Enrolment Process

Enquiry sent by student to BCC via email info@bournemouthcitycollege.com, BCC website or direct contact via company’s mobile phone 0044-7879466983. BCC has a duty of care and will endeavour to reply within 2 working days to enquire further regarding student’s requirements.Enquiry form or application form can be found our BCC website:www.bournemouthcitycollege.com.
Please use the BCC email address as a first contact option and during the whole enrolment process.

Upon confirmation at receipt from student, BCC prepares a student booking confirmation letter and confirms selected English language course, the course start date and the length of the course, additional optional services and agreed price.
Enrolment fee (£100.00} is requested to be paid, if course package meets student’s expectation and student is happy to proceed with his/her course choice. If the course is due to begin in less than 4 weeks, full course payment is required at this stage. Booking of the course is confirmed after the enrolment fee/full payment is received by BCC.
Enrolment fee is non-refundable. (please see BCC Terms and conditions).

Terms and conditions will be sent to student at this stage.

For any purchase of language course with BCC, full payment for the course is required to be paid no later than 4 weeks before the course is due to begin.
Payment could be made by different methods:
1) Bank transfer- see details below
2) By UK cheque payable to Bournemouth City College Ltd.
3) Cash (at the office of BCC)
4) Debit or credit card – can be arranged over the phone
Bournemouth City College bank details:
Account number: 92093111
Sort Code: 401307
Swift code: HBUKGB4102T
Bank address: 59 Old Christchurch Road, Bournemouth, BHl lNL, UK
Once any payment is received by BCC, BCC will issue an acknowledgement letter to the 12
Upon confirmation of enrolment fee payment or full payment for the course (depending on the course start date), BCC issues a student enrolment confirmation, which will be student’s support document for visa application.
Should the application for visa be refused, BCC will refund tuition fees (if paid in full) less an enrolment fee of £100, if you send us a copy of refusal letter. Students

Students may have special needs which must be discussed before his / her arrive.

Check the visa requirement on www.gov.uk/checkukvisa to see what visa and requirements you need to study in the UK.


The cancellation notification needs to be 1n writing and sent by post or by email to: info@bournemouthcitycollege.com.
No refund: BCC will not refund any course fee once a student has started his/her course
Full refund: BCC will refund full amount of the course fee if the cancellation is made more than 4 weeks prior to the course start date and student paid his/her course fees in advance or due to visa application refusal
Partial refund: BCC will refund amount of the course fees, less 2 weeks of tuition and
accommodation fees, if the cancellation is less than 4 weeks before the date the course is due to begin.
Any cancellation due to pandemic will be reviewed on individual case basis.

Once visa application for English language course is successful, BCC will forward Prearrival information to the student.

On the first day at school, all students will meet at 8.45 am at BCC school. (Your first day will be a Monday, unless there is a bank holiday on the Monday, in which case your first day will be Tuesday). Students will receive a welcome pack together with student guide, notepad, school information, emergency numbers and student card
Student will undertake a placement test to determine the level of their English and will be placed into classrooms
Member of BCC staff will be available to speak to each student during the day and there will be sightseeing tour around the Bournemouth.

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Bournemouth City College
Registered in England and Wales. Registration Number 6304701
44-50 Old Christchurch Rd Bournemouth BH1 1LN

Thank you for contacting us, we will get back to you as soon as possible.